Wednesday, August 17, 2016

Love Your Potato Meals? Hold It! Go Easy on Your Add-ons, They’ve Just Been Linked to High Blood Pressure

Potatoes—we all love them don’t we? Think of the delicious baked potatoes, mashed or even the fried variety and your mouth will literally begin to salivate. And it’s understandable. They’re typically your American staple, and all around the world in one way or another.  And hey, we love our food!

However, a Harvard research report just out suggests that it raises the risk of high blood pressure. I know, it does sound a little over the top, doesn’t it?  But hold your horses. Let’s first find out more about this dreaded report, and then we’ll try to ascertain whether or not we really have something to worry about.

I will cut to the chase on this. There’s no need to dress this up anymore than we should just to fill column inches. The bottom line is hypertension and other diseases have been linked to high consumption of potatoes.

What constitutes high consumption?

Well—believe it or not, four or more servings of potatoes a week is considered high. And if we had to break it down to what percentages for each meal, then it works out at roughly 11 percent for baked, boiled, or mashed potatoes and 17 percent for fried—compared with eating less than a single serving a month. But what’s really baffling is that according to the researchers’ findings, potato chips didn’t appear to increase the risk.


It doesn’t surprise me, because I was too until I also found out the following vital information.

According to one dietitian, putting the blame on potatoes wasn’t quite right. And they go on to suggest that more likely than not, the add-ons people load onto their potato servings… like sour cream, bacon bits and so forth, played a major role in bringing on high blood pressure.

Now let me wrap this up.

Remember the weird findings that suggested that potato chips didn’t appear to increase the risk for high blood pressure? Well there you have it! The only difference here is that we never ever throw any add-ons to potato chips.

I suspect all the potato consumers around the world will have a good night’s sleep after all. Phew!

Anthony J. Namata
Blockbuster Articles

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